Annika K. Sidhu

Annika K. Sidhu

Annika K. Sidhu

Annika Sidhu is a Senior at North Dakota State University pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Communication and minor through the Tri-College program at Minnesota State University Moorhead in Health Services Administration. Annika is a part of the National Organizations for Youth Safety’s (NOYS) Youth Media Correspondent Advisor program as well as a former Tread Wisely Ambassador with NOYS. Sidhu has a strong passion for the safety and health of others. She is humbled to have been offered a position on the Sandy Johnson Foundation’s Board of Directors.

After being part of a personal car accident, in January of 2018, on her way to NDSU, she felt even more connected to traffic safety advocacy. She recently attended the Lifesavers 2018 Conference as a Traffic Safety Scholar in April 2018. Not only does Annika like to work with traffic safety and advocacy, she is also involved in many ways at her university through NDSU’s Residence Hall Association where she holds an executive board position as the Public Relations Director; she is a member of the University Chamber Singers group, and a member of the honor society, Phi Eta Sigma which focuses on leadership and community service.

In addition to school and work, Annika is an avid bullet journaler and enjoys traveling, golfing and spending time with her family and friends.

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Luke W. Starkey

Luke Starkey

Luke Starkey

I wanted to be a part of growing the Sandy Johnson Foundation as a parent of three daughters, I experienced first hand how dangerous driving can be, I was fearful of turning my children loose on the road with little education beyond the basic training. I put my first daughter thru an extra 8 hours of handling a vehicle in rain, snow and learning quick reaction skills, but something was missing from the instruction. I met Dean after buying my daughters first car and learned of his loss of his wife and mother in law at a dangerous intersection not far from my home.

I bought Deans books and learned of his passion to help make roads and intersections better for all. With my other two 16 yr old daughters about to drive I was very concerned about providing them with extra education of the world of driving, therefore reading Deans books and helping give him feedback on his training program was perfect timing. Both daughters have been accident free and more aware of the hidden dangers of driving and how to avoid being distracted. I myself am more aware of dangerous driving conditions and bad intersections and want to help save lives with better education for all. Dean Johnson’s work with county engineers to change dangerous intersections has already made an impact on saving lives, his training program takes this a step farther and raises awareness of how we can avoid making life changing mistakes on the road. In the electronic world we now live in, we all need this information to avoid more life changing tragic events before they occur.

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Marissa Kunerth

Marissa Kunerth

Marissa Kunerth

Hello, my name is Marissa Kunerth! I am from Fulda, Minnesota, and am currently a senior at North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo, North Dakota, where I am pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Strategic Communication with a minor in Business Administration.

After seeing first-hand, a friend suffer through the effects and life-long impact of distractive driving as an eighth-grade student, I decided to take action. What first started as a distractive driving Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) service project, grew into my life’s passion, and forever positively transformed me into the person I am today.

I am fortunate to have had numerous experiences within the distractive driving/transportation realm. The summer of 2017, I had the honor and privilege to work at the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in creating a communications plan for the Office of Safety R&D. In addition, throughout my college career, I have served as a National Traffic Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) Lifesavers Traffic Safety Scholar, a National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) Youth Correspondent Advisor and Peer Mentor, and a Youth Service America (YSA) and State Farm Road Safety Ambassador.

I am thrilled to be serving on The Sandy Johnson’s Foundation Board of Directors and look forward to growing in my distractive driving/transportation knowledge, as well as my communication, public relations, teamwork, and leadership skills.

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Bryan Kendall Delaney

Bryan Kendall Delaney

Bryan Kendall Delaney

Bryan Delaney is a junior at Ithaca College, majoring in Strategic Communications. He is a devoted transportation safety advocate who utilizes his passion for multimedia and communications to address issues and make a positive difference in the lives of his peers. Currently, Bryan serves as a Communications and Marketing Assistant for the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) and an advocacy intern at the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in Washington DC.

In 2015, Delaney was selected as the SADD National Student of the Year and served as the organization’s spokesperson in the national media. As Student of the Year, Bryan served as the chairman of a nine member student leadership council and was a key organizer of the 2016 SADD National Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. In 2016, Bryan spearheaded a National Anti-Bullying Public Service Announcement Campaign for the National Organizations for Youth Safety, which featured internationally acclaimed musicians from Sony Music Entertainment. He was also instrumental in the creation and implementation of the In One Instant National Student Leadership Initiative. Bryan worked alongside the CEO to develop student and adult curriculums to support the program, while also providing insight into effective outreach and promotional strategy. After creating the National Student Leadership Initiative, In One Instant has witnessed program implementation in 40 states across the country.

In addition to Bryan’s involvement in youth health and safety, he is also a national parks enthusiast, and has been a long-time supporter of amphibian conservation efforts in Central and South America through support of WIKIRI and Amphibian Ark.

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Bruce Hamilton

Bruce Hamilton

Bruce Hamilton

Bruce Hamilton is the Director of Safety and Research Programs at the Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF), a non-profit organization located in Washington, DC. Together with its highway safety partners, RSF is committed to achieving a world free of traffic deaths and serious injuries, and focuses its efforts on promoting a safe systems approach that ensures protections for all road users. Prior to joining RSF, Hamilton served as the Manager of Research and Communications with the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, and as a training coordinator with the U.S. Department of State. He has a BA in International Relations from Tufts University, and is working toward a Master of Public Health from the George Washington University.

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Addison Dlott

Addison Dlott

Addison Dlott

Addison Dlott is an undergraduate at Ithaca College pursuing a degree in Documentary Studies and Production with a minor in Politics. Addison is a traffic safety advocate who utilizes film and communications to make a difference. She has produced content and conducted marketing and research on local and national levels for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the National Organizations for Youth Safety, and the In One Instant Teen Safe Driving Program.

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Dean T. Johnson

Dean Johnson

Dean Johnson

Dean T. Johnson is the President and founder of The Sandy Johnson Foundation: Making Our Roads Safer. He began the efforts of promoting safe roadways in the fall of 2002, soon after the unnecessary deaths of his wife and mother-in-law at an intersection once ranked the eighth most dangerous intersection in the State of Ohio.

Mr. Johnson has made presentations to individuals and groups that include teens, highway officials, and the general public in order to promote a greater understanding of the primary cause of most vehicle crashes, Driver Conditioning. Through his efforts, a deeper understanding of this naturally occurring phenomenon has led to the modification of some highway locations resulting in a reduced crash rate at those locations.

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