After my presentation on Driver Conditioning at the NACE national conference in Cincinnati, OH, I was honored to be a part of the National Association of County Engineers aware presentation to the late David P. Brand, County Engineer of Madison County in Ohio. Throughout his career, Dave was a champion of local road safety. He chaired the NACo Highway/Highway Safety Subcommittee, leading a committee comprised primarily of county commissioners. In 2013, FHWA recognized Brand for his work on the Every Day Counts initiative. He also represented NACE on numerous national roadway safety initiatives, including the Center for Excellence in Rural Safety, the National Local Technical Assistance Program Association Roadway Safety Working Group, the Every Day Counts Safety Edge Team, Toward Zero Deaths, and the National Center for Rural Road Safety.
Mr. David Brand
At the annual banquet of the National Association of County Engineers, Julie Brand (center) accepted the David P. Brand Safety Award on behalf of her late husband for whom the award is named. Among those on hand for the presentation were: (clockwise from left) Dean Johnson, a road safety advocate and close friend of the Brand family; Brian Roberts, NACE executive director; and the Brands’ children, Andrew and Sophie.