Welcome to Hidden Dangers of Driving.
Sometimes drivers are their own worst enemies. When we stop focusing on our driving environment, a countless number of life-threatening events can occur. The Hidden Dangers of Driving exposes the “How” and “Why” behind a driver’s loss of focus and offers suggestions on how to stay mentally connected to the act of driving.
Give your teen a potentially life-saving advantage by exposing them to valuable information not typically presented in traditional driver-training classrooms.
Education to Change Your Life.
On October 5 th , 2002, after arriving at their destination, Sandy Johnson and her mother Jackie were killed in a two car crash as they attempted to drive through the final intersection on their journey. Less than 24 hours after their deaths, Sandy’s husband, Dean Johnson, began his investigation to learn the “Why” – the underlying cause – behind this dual fatality. His ultimate finding was so much more as he discovered the primary cause of nearly all vehicular crashes.
He shares that information with you in this eleven part educational series in the hopes that you do not fall victim to this same life threatening, naturally occurring, phenomenon.
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The Hidden Dangers of Driving exposes teens to the underlying cause of nearly all vehicular crashes, Driver Conditioning, and offers ways to help minimize its effects. Through a deep understanding of the cause and effects of Driver Conditioning, teens can be better equipped to handle the dangers associated with driving on our nation's highways.